
For those reading who don't know me, or have forgotten my name, I am Neil Gordon and I intend to keep this blog up to date with my travel activities in Japan - taking place from mid July 2010 till some time in January 2011.
I'm English and am interested in the Japanese culture and language, as well as computers and technology.
The blog name neiltanken is simply my name + 探検 (tanken) - which means expedition.



We let the goat outside and feed the chickens every day, so unless something out of the ordinary happens I won't mention it from here on.
R-san's house is circular shaped and he plans to have concrete decking around the circumference.
Today we made a part of the deck's formwork.
But the plywood we had was a little too small, so we went out and bought bigger plywood, rivets and stuff.
While we were out, we also tried a chemist for hydrochloric acid but apparently they can't deal in it either.
We left the stuff we bought at home then went out again to see S-san and get the milk we arranged to yesterday.
We bought 8 litres of milk from a dairy farm.
Then we went home again and screwed the plywood for part of the formwork into place.
I then tried to learn a Japanese wind instument called a Shakuhachi which R-san loves, but I was only able to make some rather pathetic noises with it.
We went to a nearby farm (which also hosts many WWOOFers) for a BBQ for dinner.
There was even a stage, and even though I don't know the lyrics to anything I was made to stand and sing!
There was something about tat experience that can't be described with just the word 'embarassing'. I ended up singing a song about a cat which I made up on the spot. (in Japanese)
There were WWOOFers from England, France, Germany and Japan who I was able to meet.


  1. Only 1 goat? What is it's function

  2. I'm not sure they know.
    Either one day to produce milk, or to become a BBQ I think.
